Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baloo's Bugle for November's RTs and December's Theme, "Works of Art," is on-line

Lots of hints for Works of Art - games, openings, closings, ceremonies, jokes, and more
Items for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, too

Ways to have your Cubs display their talent
Suggestions to connect the core value of Faith to the theme, Works of Art.
Check out the back page for one of God's works of art.

Jim Jones talks about God;s masterpiece.

Have your Scouts earn the Art Loop and Pin - see Special Opportunity
(Also, Boys' Life Reading Contest - last chance for 2009)

Activities for Webelos Craftsman and Scientist

Link to National's website section on Cub Scouts 2010 -

Read it and have fun.

As Dave in California wrote me, "I was named Cubmaster of the year but I am just an ordinary guy with a copy of Baloo's Bugle under my arm."