Lots of hints for Cub Scout Salute - games, openings, closings, ceremonies, jokes, and more
Info for Veteran's day and Thanksgiving, too
Ways to honor all your everyday heroes and
Invite some local Police or Fire Fighters or members of the military -
Make your November Pack Meeting a time of recognition of others.
Bill Smith, the RT Guy, checks in with his opinion on Cub Scouts - 2010
Jim Jones talks about "The First Salute," a touching story.
Have your Scouts earn the Emergency Preparedness Award - see Special Opportunity
(Also, Boys' Life Reading Contest)
Activities for Webelos Craftsman and Readyman
Link to National's website section on Cub Scouts 2010 -
Read it and have fun.
As Dave in California wrote me, "I was named Cubmaster of the year but I am just an ordinary guy with a copy of Baloo's Bugle under my arm."