Monday, January 11, 2010

Central Region Venturing - 2010 National Venturing Event

Amanda Vogt sent a message to the members of Central Region Venturing.

Subject: First Ever National Venturing Event Announcement

That’s right. The National Office of the Boy Scouts of America has granted approval for a large council to host the first ever National Venturing Event in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary year. It will happen in 2010! The official announcement of the event will be made on the internet and this group is one of just a few groups that has been selected for the announcement. The date of the announcement will be January 15, 2010 at 6:00pm CST. We need to get this information to as many people as possible.

This is where we need your help. We need to grow this group as large as possible in just a few days. Some people don’t believe that we can pull this off, but we can with your help. We need you to invite all your Facebook friends (both youth and adults) to join this group. They do not have to be a Venturer to become a member of this group. The purpose of this group is to promote Venturing to everyone.

Here is what we need each member of this group to do:
1. Go to the Central Region Venturing Facebook Group:

2. Click on the “Invite People to Join” link on the upper left hand column under the group photo

3. Invite every single friend you have on Facebook to join this group. We mean every single person whether they are involved in Scouting or not.

4. Paste the following message into the personal message spot when you are inviting them:
“January 15th at 6:00pm CST, on this Facebook Group will be announced the information on the first ever National Venturing Event. Please join our group and invite all your friends to join so that they will be the first to know.”

5. Click the send invitations button, and sit back and watch the number of group members grow.

6. Check back with this group on January 15th, 2010 at 6:00pm CST for information on the National Venturing Event.

Some people reading this message are probably confused right now as to just what is Venturing, so let us help you out:

Venturing is the high school/college age co-ed program of the Boy Scouts of America for young adults ages 14-20. Most units focus on high adventure activities, but other units range from specialties such as religious life, search and rescue units, theater groups, sport teams, and many more unique emphasis areas. The program features its own system of recognitions and awards that can be earned, but the main emphasis of the program is to learn life skills and leadership skills while having a blast doing activities you want to do. The idea is that this program can be anything you want it to be, because the youth are responsible for planning and leading the activities. There are units that spend a week in the summer mountain biking, hiking, white water rafting, scuba diving, climbing, canoeing, and much more. Or a unit might spend a week going to every theme park they can on the East Coast. Venturing is what you make of it.

If you are not involved in this program and would like more information on what it is about, visit the following website:;

The countdown to the announcement:;

Please be part of making this upcoming announcement an exciting event in and of itself. And then come join us as we continue to work towards the success of the Venturing program.

Yours in Venturing,
Amanda Vogt
2008-2009 National Venturing President

Matthew McGroarty
2009-2010 National Venturing President

P.S.: If you are an Administrator on another Venturing Facebook Group, please feel free to send this message and future messages to the members of your Venturing Facebook Group. Just change the information to your group’s link to help grow your group

To reply to this message, follow the link below:

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