Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tell us about your favorite BSA Camps

We are just weeks away from that wonderful time of summer when hundreds of BSA Camps open across the U.S.A. What is your favorite BSA Camp? What experiences have you had? What scout camp properties do you recommend to other scout leaders?

The U.S. Scouting Service Project has a full interactive database of all scout camp properties, everything from those mega camps that host thousands of scouts each summer to those 40 acre plots of land that every council seems to have at least one of for primitive camping, complete with a picnic table as the one improvement in camp.

We invite you to search & explore all of the camps in your area, recommend new places to camp (even non BSA camps) and tell us your experiences where you have been. Let our ScoutCamp.org database become your "Where to Go Camping" resource!

We welcome comments from Camp Staff members as well. This summer marks my 27th on BSA Summer Camp staffs and this will be my 9th council camp property. I still look forward to this and hope you have at least one week marked on your calendar for this wonderful experience!

Ed Henderson
Webmaster - ScoutCamp.org
U.S. Scouting Service Project
Camp Administrator - Will Rogers Scout Reservation - Cimarron Council, Cleveland OK

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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