Friday, April 19, 2019

Song - Cub Scout Garden

Song - Cub Scout Garden
Commissioner Dave
Tune:  She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain.
Gardening is a great example of reverence and faith in God.  I wrote this one a few years ago.  It has many more verses.  (Too many for Cub Scout attention spans!!)
Be sure to create some really good motions for the verses!
We will plant our Cub Scout Garden in the spring
We will plant our Cub Scout Garden in the spring
We will plant our Cub Scout Garden
We will plant our Cub Scout Garden
We will plant our Cub Scout Garden in the spring
We will pray to God to watch our crop each day
We will pray to God to watch our crop each day
We will pray to God to watch
We will pray to God to watch
We will pray to God to watch our crop each day
We will reap our harvest early in the fall
We will reap our harvest early in the fall
We will reap our harvest early
We will reap our harvest early
We will reap our harvest early in the fall
Then we’ll Thank God for his help with our garden
Then we’ll Thank God for his help with our garden
Then we’ll Thank God for his help
Then we’ll Thank God for his help
Then we’ll Thank God for his help with our garden

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Cubmaster: Would all Tiger Cubs and their parents please come forward?
Many years ago in the village of akela there grew a mighty oak. She, who is Mother Earth, had given
the tree to Akela’s grandfather. Akela, the wisest wolf, cherished this tree and held council beneath It’s outstretched branches. The beautiful tree was home and playground to any bird or animal who
respected and cared for it. Mother Earth provided abundant sunshine and rain to nurture and patience
would be needed to insure that the tree would grow to it’s fullest potential.
Who presents these Tiger Cubs for their Tiger Patch?

Tiger Cub Coach: I do, Akela. They have Searched, Discovered, and Shared. They are also learning
the way of the Pack.

Cubmaster: Let them speak the Promise of the Tiger Cub.

Tiger Cub Coach: Tigers and Parents, repeat after me.
I promise to love God,

Tiger Cubs: I promise to love God,

Tiger Cub Coach: My family,

Tiger Cub: My family,

Tiger Cub Coach: and my country

Tiger Cub: and my country

Tiger Cub Coach: and to learn about the world.

Tiger Cub: and to learn about the world.

Cubmaster: This tree represents our Tiger Cub program. In order for it to flourish, much time and
effort must be spent by the Tiger Cubs and their parents. (Look towards Tiger Cubs)
As each of you receive your award, please replace the patch with a leaf, and you will see how much
more vital the tree will become.
(Boys are called by name, take patch, place leaf, get awards.)
You have each helped nurture this tree, and it has become a part of you. Just as Mother Earth’s trees
endure for many years, you have gained values through the Tiger Cub program which will last you a
lifetime. May you always stand tall and straight like a tree... and be a beautiful resource of our land.
Will the audience please join me in congratulating these scouts.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Master of the Universe Prayer

Master of the Universe Prayer

Master of the universe Grant me the ability to be alone;
May it be my custom to go outdoors each day
Among the trees and grass, among all living things.
And there may I be alone, and enter into prayer,
To talk with the one to whom I belong.
May I express there everything in my heart,
And may all the foliage of the field (All grasses, trees and plants)
May they all awake at my coming,
To send the powers of their life into the words of my prayer
So that my prayer and speech are made whole
Through the life and the spirit of all growing things,
Which are made as one by their transcendent source.
--Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (1772-1811)

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Circle Ten Council
Personnel:  6 Cubs and a narrator
Equipment: Each Cub hold a picture or drawing of a tree with his section of text on the back.
Cub # 1              Did you ever pause to think about how helpful a tree is?
Cub # 2              It provides a nesting place for birds, shade from the sun, and protection from the rain.
Cub # 3              It discards its dead branches, thus providing wood for building fires and for cooking food.
Cub # 4              A tree adds beauty to the countryside and to camping areas.
Cub # 5              We must admit that a tree gives a lot more than it receives.
Cub # 6              We can learn a lesson from the tree, by doing our best to always be helpful to others and by putting our fellow Scouts first and ourselves second.
Narrator:     Remember the lesson we learn from the tree - To give to others more than we receive.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Arbor Day/Earth Day Ideas

Plan a special service project for Earth Day –
Check for local opportunities on community web sites or at your local library.  You can also find great activity ideas at  or at

Invite a garden expert to help pack families get started on a simple garden – if you don’t have a resource in your pack family, check with the local Extension Service for a Master Gardener.  Nothing teaches Faith better than planting and nourishing a seed – and you will be helping your pack families to eat better and save money!

Plant a tree or trees, to celebrate Arbor Day – The date varies from state to state, based on optimum planting time, but many have chosen a date in April.  Check the list in Value Related Ideas.
Trees are available from several sources.  In Sacramento and many other places, a local Tree Foundation will provide trees and planting tips.  Also Disney has a program to provide trees to plant for Earth Day, and check out the Family Activity Program with all kinds of great ideas – they can also be used with your den!  Go to:

Have some fun with tree “cookies” – Cut slices from small tree branches – these cross-sections are great to explore the history of a tree.  Discuss tree rings in general, then give each boy or person their own “cookie” to explore.  Challenge them to find: a time when the tree was stressed; several years when sun, water and nutrients were just right, an example of some damage from fire, insects or other factor.  Note:  You can connect the changes in the tree rings with ways in which a boy’s faith is strengthened or tested, such as temptations, falling out with friends, or when faith is nourished by religious teachers or family service projects.
Play Hug A Tree Game – Learn to recognize “your” tree - In an area with many trees,  boys  take turns being blindfolded, led to a tree (for touch and feel) and then lead away.  After removing the blindfold, the tree hugger tries to locate his tree.  Talk about the differences in trees, and how those differences affect where they grow, how much water, sun, etc. they need, how animals and people (and even other plants) make use of different trees.


Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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