Monday, October 29, 2012

Baloo's Bugle for RESPECT and Holiday Lights is on-line

The final version of Baloo's Bugle for 
RESPECT and Holiday Lights is on-line at 

The issue is complete.  It replaces a previous issue posted as Sandy got too close for comfort for Mike, our Webmaster, and I.

Please pray for all of us on the East Coast as Sandy moves inland.  By the plots, the eye could pass over directly over my house!!!

But this is a better to leave you with - 
I pass this house on Santa Claus Lane, in Bear, Delaware 
(Always say both words together - Bear, Delaware) 
on my way to Faith Lutheran Church, Bear, DE, each Sunday.  
As of yesterday, all the decorations are still tucked away in the back of his yard.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baloo's Bugle for Citizenship and Supplemental Theme, 50 Great States, is on-line


Many Thanks to Pat Hamilton from Baltimore who put this issue together 
while Commissioner Dave was off at Philmont

35 of 36 Supplemental Theme Pack Meeting Agendas posted!!
(Maybe all 36 by the time you read this)

Get the latest from Pat, Felicia, Wendy, Alice, Joe and others

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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