Saturday, June 30, 2012

Baloo's Bugle for July's Roundtables and August Activities is on-line

Baloo's Bugle for July Roundtables & August Activities is on-line

Come check out Baloo's Bugle for Honesty Core Value and "Kids Against Crime" Supplemental Pack Meeting Theme.  These are for July Roundtables and August Activities

Be sure to read the article on Den Chiefs by Jay.  I never knew there was so much information available on Den Chiefs

All 36 Supplemental Themes have been announced and they are listed in this month's Baloo!!!

Check out the new Cyber Chip and Internet Scout Award as we move forward

Did you know August 10th is NATIONAL S'MORES DAY!!  Lots of S'Mores recipes this month

And see how Alice "weaves" a den meeting together

Lots more from Alice, Pat, Pamela, Joe, Felicia, Jay, Wendy, Margo, and others!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Kayaking Merit Badge and Kayaking BSA

The requirements for the new Kayaking merit badge page are now available on .The page also contains some information from the pamphlet specifically aimed at counselors, and a link to the requirements for the Kayaking BSA award patch at Scouts can work on booth simultaneously, but earneing one does NOT automatically qualify the Scout for the other, as the requirements overlap, but are not identical.

The Kayaking MB Workbook is also available on our site at  or and on at

The workbook contains the requirements for BOTH the Kayaking Merit Badge and the Kayaking BSA award (patch), with cross references identifying which requirements in the merit badge are comparable to those for the award patch, and vice-versa. So Scouts can easily check off the requirements for both, then do those requirements which are unique to each, and thus earn both. The merit badge, of course can be worn on the uniform/merit badge sash, and the award patch on the Scout's swimsuit - NOT on the uniform.

The workbook, like all the aquatics workbooks also includes a copy of the Safe Swim Defense guidelines, and like all the boating belated workbooks, the Safety Afloat guidelines.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June KNOTS Cartoon is Posted

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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