Internet Scout Patch Program Version 2 Launches

The New Internet Scout Patch Program
The U.S. Scouting Service Project is pleased to announce Version 2 of it's Internet Scout Patch Program. With the explosive growth of the Internet and the rise of Social Media, it was necessary to re-engineer the program to assure it remained relevant and useful. The new program focuses on fostering a dialog between parent/mentor and Scout that will help prepare Scouts to be aware and alert when using the Internet.
This is a difficult and challenging program. It will require both the mentor and the participants to work hard. But, it will be worth it! As we continue to become more dependent on the Internet in our daily lives, it is critically important that we develop an understanding of its dangers and how to be prepared, aware, and alert to avoid trouble.
The Patches
Scouts and Mentors can earn the following patches:

Though it should go without saying, the patch is NOT an official award or emblem of the BSA. The patch may be worn by Scouts and Scouters as a temporary emblem to signify their education about the role of the Internet and the World Wide Web in particular as it relates to Scouting. It may also be worn on patch vests or jackets at the personal option of the Scout or Scouter.
The Program Guide and the Requirements
The Internet Scout Patch Program Guide includes the patch requirements and may be downloaded by clicking this link: Internet Scout Patch Program Guide and Requirements (This is a PDF file and requires the latest version of Adobe Reader to view the contents. If you do not have the latest version, you can download it from