Saturday, May 29, 2010

Youth Protection update

We've been informed of a major change to the Youth Protection Training Requirements, in a letter from the Assistant Chief Scout Executive.

Effective June 1, 2010:
  • Youth Protection Training is required for all registered volunteers.
  • New leaders are required to take Youth Protection Training before they submit their application for registration. The certificate of completion for this training must be submitted at the time application is made and before volunteer service with youth begins.
  • Youth Protection Training must be taken every two years.
  • If a volunteer’s Youth Protection Training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be reregistered.
For further details see: Protection Training Policies.pdf

Brown Recluse - UPDATE

After we posted the information and pictures of the damage supposedly caused by a Brown Recluse Spider bite, we were informed that the pictures are of the damage caused by a MRSA infection, which followed a probable spider bite, which in turn may or may not have been from a Brown Recluse.

We've removed that page and the pictures.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Brown Recluse: Little Bite ... BIG Damage!

We've added a page to our safety area with information about the Brown Recluse Spider. The page includes some graphic photos of the skin damage caused by bites from these spiders, so some caution should be used in showing them to younger Scouts.

We've included a prominent disclaimer, and a large white area above the photos, so the text can be seen without viewing the photos.

The page can be viewed from our safety index page, or directly at

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

National Hosting Webinars on Cub Scouts 2010

Webinars: New Cub Scout Delivery Method

National is rolling out the NEW Cub Scout Delivery Method and is inviting CS Leaders to attend one of 22 webinar sessions to learn how to use the new method and resources.

Beginning Monday, May 3rd and ending on Friday, May 14th, National is hosting webinars that will detail and discuss the new method and resources. They have varied session times to try to accommodate as many of your schedules as possible.

To register for one of these webinars, please click on the following link and follow the simple instructions. . You will receive a confirmation email once you've completed your registration. (If you do not receive a confirmation, you have not completed the registration process. Be sure you have received a confirmation.)

Webinars are limited to the first 100 registrants per session. If the sessions during this two-week period are filled, additional sessions will be added to support the demand.

The webinar links and teleconference information will be sent to you in a separate email within 24 hours of the start of the webinar session.

We hope you will all be able to make this very important webinar so that you can help us get the word out about this terrific new delivery method that is sure to support advancement and retain our youth in Cub Scouts!

--- And....

In support of local councils, a series of webinars will be hosted this fall, in the August/September/October timeframe to train any interested den and pack leadership on the use of the new method and the resources to support it. (Specifics regarding these dates and times will be communicated to you at a later time and posted on .)

In addition, on we will post a list of resources that will aid local councils in the rollout of the new delivery method. Some of these resources include: a YouTube video link for new den leaders on conducting a den meeting, overview brochures and PowerPoint slides and scripts to deliver training on the new method.

New Den and Pack Meeting Resource Guide available on-line and in stores

The new Den and Pack Meeting Resource Guide is now available on-line and in stores.
Check it out on line at (Link is also in the title of this post)

This Guide has the complete meeting plans for all levels (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos Badge , and Arrow of light)

Plus, Pack Meeting plans for all 12 Pack Meetings using a different Core Value for each Pack Meeting.

The Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide is designed to help prepare you for your den and pack meetings and to provide you with the tools necessary to advance your boys along the Cub Scout advancement trail while having fun. Below you will find the contents of the Resource Guide in an online form.

Also, available (at least at the Wilmington, DE, store) and at
Ceremonies (Cover Change only), Position Specific Training (revised syllabus), CS Roundtable Planning Guide and CS Leaders' Book(But Del-Mar-Va Council bought out the initial supply of both of these. I have pre-paid for the first one of each in the next shipment.)

Keep Scouting!!

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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