Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 Advancement Requirements Changes

Last evening I completed a review of the new BOY SCOUT REQUIREMENTS 2010 booklet and uploaded information on all of the known changes to Merit Badge and Rank requirements. I also included the new definition and explanation of he procedure to be used for identifying "ACTIVE" Scouts.

Note that the stock number for the requirements booklet, which for many years was 33215x, and last year was changed to 33216, has once again changed, this time to 34765.

A summary of all of the changes can be accessed on the US Scouting Service Project web site at:

As usual, I've used color highlighting in the summary to identify exactly what wording has changed. There are links from the summary to the full requirements for each badge, both with and without highlighting, and from the new requirements to the old requirements for those still using them.

One other item of note is that BSA has clarified the positions of responsibility lists for Star/Life/Eagle to specifically include Webmaster and LNT Trainer as valid for all three ranks in any unit (Troop/Team/Crew/Ship), and that Bugler is valid for Star/Life, it is NOT an eligible position for Eagle (correcting an error in the new Handbook). They also reworded the Eagle "Scout Spirit" requirement, but that is not noted on the inside cover. And the "age requirement" for joining was clarified, but not listed as a change.

17 merit badges have changes. Of those, 5 have major changes, and the other 12 have just a few changes (some of those are really quite minor in scope or just editorial, really), and Scuba Diving is included, of course. Some of the changes bring the book into conformance with merit badge books issued in the past few years (such as Graphic Arts).

New Merit Badge pamphlets are available for 8 subjects: Communications, Computers, Fishing, Fly-Fishing, Home Repairs, Medicine, and Oceanography, plus Scuba Diving, of course.

The summary also includes what I've found as the requirements for the four "Retro" or "Historical" Merit Badges available this year. The name of one is still in question, however, as I've seen it listed as both "Signaller" and "Signaling" in different documents. The original name of Signaller was only used in 1910, and the badge was known as Signaling from 1911-1992, so either name could be the final choice. I've listed it as Signaling at this point, using the name that was used in the announcement in Scouting Magazine's Cracker Barrel blog.

If you find any errors or typos, please let me know.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Scout Uniform Day

Scoutmaster Ben Dibble wrote to us with a splendid idea:

Scout Uniform Day!

February 8, 2010

The 100th Birthday of Scouting

On February 8th join us in celebrating the 100th Birthday of Scouting. On that day we would like everyone to wear their Scout uniform. Wear it to work. Wear it to school. Let us show the country how many of us are involved in Scouting.

I’m sure you know that many sports teams wear their jerseys or “shirt and tie” on game days. This is just like that. We are letting everyone know that we’re proud of our group. We do great things like Scouting for Food, charity work, and Eagle Projects.

You will be surprised at how many people will ask you about Scouting. This may be your chance to get a new member of you Den or Pack. Or perhaps some group in your community needs help, and you can direct them to your Scout Troop for a Citizenship in the Community project, or an Eagle Project.

Tell all the Scouters you know! Forward this on!

See you on Monday the 8th in your uniform!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More information on the National Venturing Event!!

Amanda Vogt, former National Venturing President, wrote the following on January 16:


The Venturing Officer Association of the Greater St. Louis Area Council is proud to announce that the Fall Fun Rally has been designated as the first National Venturing Event. The council is proud to sponsor this event and to open it up to Venturers from across the country to attend.

The Fall Fun Rally is the largest Venturing event held each year in the country. The Fall Fun Rally is in its 37th year. We have the facilities, the staff, and the experience to host several thousand Venturers for this 3-day event. In 2008 it was the Central Region’s 10th Anniversary event for Venturing. Venturers from throughout the Central Region attended. This event is centrally located in the USA.

The Fall Fun Rally is a youth lead event. The Council’s V.O.A., the 9 District V.O.As, and hundreds of other Venturers staff the event each year. Venturing is many things, but of uppermost importance is youth leadership development. Planning for the 2010 event started at last year’s event. This is the first time that a National Venturing event is being done and it is the youth of the Venturing program that are doing it. We are honored to take on this endeavor. We thank our council and the National Office for the trust they have placed in us to accomplish this unique opportunity. We hope that this will be the start of more and bigger future National Venturing Events, but today’s good news is that the first one is on the way. So let’s get excited about it!

Date: September 24-26, 2010

Location: Beaumont Scout Reservation, High Ridge, MO (Just 45 minutes SW of downtown St. Louis)

Who can attend: Venturers, Explorers, & Sea Scouts along with their adult leadership

Events from the Fall Fun Rally:

Volleyball Tournament, Tug-of-War Competitions, Rifle Range, Shotgun Range, Archery, Climbing Tower, Slacklining, Wild Caving, Mountain Men Village, Blacksmithing, , Helicopters, , Kickball, Crab Soccer, Wiffleball, Dodgeball, Hillbilly Golf & Washers, National Venturing Fencing Competition, Pool Noodle Jousting, Police & Military Demonstrations, Table Top Competitions, Dutch-oven Cooking Competitions, Skit/Talent Competition, Fear Factor Event, Horseback Riding, Adult Venturing Training, Venturing Officer Association Elections, Game/Trivia Night, Movie Night, Twister for 50, Karaoke Night, Award Show, Dance, Model Rockets, Backyard Games, Obstacle Course, Frisbee Golf, Sea Scouting Activities, Drunk Driving Simulator, All Star Sports Challenge, Crazy Building Competitions, Dunking Booth, and much more.

Check out our websites in the near future as more events are announced.

Join our National Venturing Event Facebook Group to keep yourself informed:
Facebook Group:

Mark your Crew’s calendar now to attend the first National Venturing Event. Registration and leader’s information will be posted and updated through the website. Cost is just $15 for the weekend and will include an event t-shirt. We look forward to welcoming you to St. Louis and the Fall Fun Rally.

Andrea Lane, Greater St. Louis Area Council V.O.A.
Vice-President of Program and Youth Chairperson for the Fall Fun Rally

Amanda Vogt, Greater St. Louis Area Council V.O.A. President
2008-2009 National Venturing President

Matthew McGroarty, 2009-2010 National Venturing President

If you're a Venturing youth or adult member, or a Sea Scouting youth or adult member, this is one event you really shouldn't miss out on!!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Historical merit badges help Boy Scouts celebrate Scouting’s past

BSA Announced today, via the Scouting Magazine Blog at that in honor of the BSA’s 100th Anniversary, today’s generation of Scouts will get the unique opportunity to experience some of the activities their predecessors enjoyed. That’s possible thanks to the BSA’s new Historical Merit Badge Program, a set of four discontinued merit badges that today’s Scouts can earn.

Boys can earn any or all of these merit badges:

  • First offered in 1910 (as Signaller merit badge) and discontinued in 1992.
  • First offered in 1911 (as Stalker merit badge) and discontinued in 1952.
  • First offered in 1911 and discontinued in 1952.
  • First offered in 1911 and discontinued in 1952.
The US Scouting Service Project has posted the requirements for these badges and Scouts can start working on them NOW.

The basics of the 2010 Historical Merit Badge program include:

  • The merit badges will closely resemble the original designs of the merit badges with the exception of the borders. The borders will be embroidered with a shiny gold thread that will be immediately identifiable as a 2010 Historical Merit Badge.
  • The original merit badge requirements will be used wherever possible. Exceptions will be made when current safety or social standards dictate. Adaptations can also be made for special needs Scouts.
  • The merit badges will count for towards a boy’s rank advancement.
  • Work on the badges is not to commence prior to January 1, 2010 and is to be finished no later than December 31, 2010.
  • The Supply Division will not create or reprint pamphlets for the merit badges. Any and all material will be posted to a special section of the 100th Anniversary web site that can be accessed by the interested boys and their merit badge counselors.

Monday, January 11, 2010

More Central Region Venturing on 2010 Event and facebook

Subject: Info on the Jan 15 National Venturing event announcement

We are very excited about the National Venturing event and it has generated a lot of membership for our regional Facebook group. While we use it rarely at the region level, one nice feature for groups is being able to message all members. However, once a group goes over 5000 members, the messaging feature is no longer available (Facebook rules).

The Central Region Venturing group is quickly approaching the 5000 membership threshold. If you are in the Central Region and would like to receive announcements about the National Venturing event and other important Venturing news, it is very important that you join your appropriate Area and Council Venturing Facebook groups as well.

Because of the facebook limit, the message will be sent out to all members of CRV AREA Venturing Facebook groups, arriving in your fb Inboxes and email if your account settings permit it. If you do not join your Area group, you will need to look on the Central Region Venturing facebook group wall for the National Venturing event announcement on Jan 15.

Here are the Area Venturing Facebook group URLs:
Area 1 Venturing Facebook group: (Bay-Lakes, Central Minnesota, Chippewa Valley, Gamehaven, Gateway Area, Northeast Iowa, Northern Lights, Northern Star, Samoset, Sioux, Twin Valley, Voyageurs Area, Winnebago Councils)

Area 2 Venturing Facebook group: (Blue Water, Chief Okemos, Erie Shores, Gerald R. Ford, Great Sauk Trail, Great Lakes, Hiawathaland, Lake Huron Area, Scenic Trails, Southwest Michigan, Tall Pine Councils)

Area 3 Venturing Facebook group: (Abraham Lincoln, Glaciers Edge, Greater St. Louis, Hawkeye Area, Illowa, Lewis & Clark, Milwaukee County, Mississippi Valley, Northeast Iowa, Potawatomi Area, Southeast Wisconsin, W.D. Boyce Councils)

Area 4 Venturing Facebook group: (Allohak, Buckeye, Buckskin, Great Trail, Greater Cleveland, Grtr. Western Reserve, Heart of Ohio, Miami Valley, Mountaineer Area, Muskingum Valley, Ohio River Valley, Simon Kenton, Tri-State Area Councils)

Area 5 Venturing Facebook group: (Cornhusker, Coronado Area, Great Rivers, Heart of America, Jayhawk Area, Mid-America, Mid-Iowa, Overland Trails, Ozark Trails, Pony Express, Quivira, Santa Fe Trail Councils)

Area 6 Venturing Facebook group: (Anthony Wayne Area, Black Swamp Area, Buffalo Trace, Crossroads of America, Dan Beard, Hoosier Trails, LaSalle, Lincoln Trails, Miami Valley, Prairielands, Sagamore, Tecumseh Councils)

Area 7 Venturing Facebook group: (Blackhawk Area, Calumet, Chicago Area, Des Plaines Valley, Northeast Illinois, Northwest Suburban, Rainbow, Three Fires Councils)

We still encourage you to continue inviting your friends to the Central Region group & have it continue to be one of the largest Scouting groups on Facebook.

Finally, don't forget to check out; for all of the latest news and resources for Venturing!

the Central Region Venturing committee

Scouting for Food on facebook

National Venturing Event 2010 on facebook

There will be a National Venturing Event in 2010!! Please join, join your regional section, Stay tuned and also click here;

Southern Region Venturing

January 15th at 6:00pm CST, on this Facebook Group (Southern Region Venturing) will be announced the information on the first ever National Venturing Event. Please join our group and invite all your friends to join so that they will be the first to know.”".

To see more details and confirm this group invitation, follow the link below:

Central Region Venturing - 2010 National Venturing Event

Amanda Vogt sent a message to the members of Central Region Venturing.

Subject: First Ever National Venturing Event Announcement

That’s right. The National Office of the Boy Scouts of America has granted approval for a large council to host the first ever National Venturing Event in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary year. It will happen in 2010! The official announcement of the event will be made on the internet and this group is one of just a few groups that has been selected for the announcement. The date of the announcement will be January 15, 2010 at 6:00pm CST. We need to get this information to as many people as possible.

This is where we need your help. We need to grow this group as large as possible in just a few days. Some people don’t believe that we can pull this off, but we can with your help. We need you to invite all your Facebook friends (both youth and adults) to join this group. They do not have to be a Venturer to become a member of this group. The purpose of this group is to promote Venturing to everyone.

Here is what we need each member of this group to do:
1. Go to the Central Region Venturing Facebook Group:

2. Click on the “Invite People to Join” link on the upper left hand column under the group photo

3. Invite every single friend you have on Facebook to join this group. We mean every single person whether they are involved in Scouting or not.

4. Paste the following message into the personal message spot when you are inviting them:
“January 15th at 6:00pm CST, on this Facebook Group will be announced the information on the first ever National Venturing Event. Please join our group and invite all your friends to join so that they will be the first to know.”

5. Click the send invitations button, and sit back and watch the number of group members grow.

6. Check back with this group on January 15th, 2010 at 6:00pm CST for information on the National Venturing Event.

Some people reading this message are probably confused right now as to just what is Venturing, so let us help you out:

Venturing is the high school/college age co-ed program of the Boy Scouts of America for young adults ages 14-20. Most units focus on high adventure activities, but other units range from specialties such as religious life, search and rescue units, theater groups, sport teams, and many more unique emphasis areas. The program features its own system of recognitions and awards that can be earned, but the main emphasis of the program is to learn life skills and leadership skills while having a blast doing activities you want to do. The idea is that this program can be anything you want it to be, because the youth are responsible for planning and leading the activities. There are units that spend a week in the summer mountain biking, hiking, white water rafting, scuba diving, climbing, canoeing, and much more. Or a unit might spend a week going to every theme park they can on the East Coast. Venturing is what you make of it.

If you are not involved in this program and would like more information on what it is about, visit the following website:;

The countdown to the announcement:;

Please be part of making this upcoming announcement an exciting event in and of itself. And then come join us as we continue to work towards the success of the Venturing program.

Yours in Venturing,
Amanda Vogt
2008-2009 National Venturing President

Matthew McGroarty
2009-2010 National Venturing President

P.S.: If you are an Administrator on another Venturing Facebook Group, please feel free to send this message and future messages to the members of your Venturing Facebook Group. Just change the information to your group’s link to help grow your group

To reply to this message, follow the link below:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

National Venturing Event in 2010

Hey folks!! I'm forwarding an EXCITING event announcment which the National Venturing Cabinet needs our assistance. As you'll read, this does NOT just pertain to Venturing -- they really need the help from ALL of us in Scouting as well as parents and supporters of Scouting in the United States!!

The National Office of the Boy Scouts of America has granted approval for a large council to host the first ever National Venturing Event in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary year. It will happen in 2010! The official announcement of the event will be made on the internet and this group is one of just a few groups that has been selected for the announcement. The date of the announcement will be January 15, 2010 at 6:00pm CST. We need to get this information to as many people as possible.

This is where we need your help. We need to grow this group as large as possible in just a few days. Some people don’t believe that we can pull this off, but we can with your help. We need you to invite all your Facebook friends (both youth and adults) to join this group. They do not have to be a Venturer to become a member of this group. The purpose of this group is to promote Venturing to everyone.

Here is what we need each member of this group to do:
1. Go to the Central Region Venturing Facebook Group:

2. Click on the “Invite People to Join” link on the upper left hand column under the group photo

3. Invite every single friend you have on Facebook to join this group. We mean every single person whether they are involved in Scouting or not.

4. Paste the following message into the personal message spot when you are inviting them:

“January 15th at 6:00pm CST, on this Facebook Group will be announced the information on the first ever National Venturing Event. Please join our group and invite all your friends to join so that they will be the first to know.”

5. Click the send invitations button, and sit back and watch the number of group members grow.

6. Check back with this group on January 15th, 2010 at 6:00pm CST for information on the National Venturing Event.

Some people reading this message are probably confused right now as to just what is Venturing, so let us help you out:

Venturing is the high school/college age co-ed program of the Boy Scouts of America for young adults ages 14-20. Most units focus on high adventure activities, but other units range from specialties such as religious life, search and rescue units, theater groups, sport teams, and many more unique emphasis areas. The program features its own system of recognitions and awards that can be earned, but the main emphasis of the program is to learn life skills and leadership skills while having a blast doing activities you want to do. The idea is that this program can be anything you want it to be, because the youth are responsible for planning and leading the activities. There are units that spend a week in the summer mountain biking, hiking, white water rafting, scuba diving, climbing, canoeing, and much more. Or a unit might spend a week going to every theme park they can on the East Coast. Venturing is what you make of it.

If you are not involved in this program and would like more information on what it is about, visit the following website:

The countdown to the announcement:

Please be part of making this upcoming announcement an exciting event in and of itself. And then come join us as we continue to work towards the success of the Venturing program.

Yours in Venturing,

Amanda Vogt
2008-2009 National Venturing President

Matthew McGroarty
2009-2010 National Venturing President

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1964 Photos and Patches

Courtesy of Chief Wayne Johnson, we now have a wonderful collection of more than 80 photographs from the 1964 National Jamboree at Valley Forge, PA and scans of all of the twelve regional Scouting patches from 1964. Take a stroll down Scouting's memory lane:

1964 Jamboree Photographs

1964 Regional Patches

Friday, January 1, 2010

Another correction to Video Games

It now appears that has the Video Games Loop and Pin categorized incorrectly, as both and the new edition of Scouting Magazine both list Video Games as an Academics subject, not a Sport. I've reversed the revisions I made a few days ago, and have re-identified the loop and pin under the Cub Scout Academics area.

Oh, Well!

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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