Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ask Andy

New column! September 28th is now up and online! Some new questions, some variations on old themes. Enjoy! Andy

Monday, September 28, 2009

Scouting Movie - 759: Boy Scouts of Harlem

The following invitation was shared on Scouts-L. We are presenting it here for broader distribution.

Hello everyone,

Some of you are aware of the documentary called "759: Boy Scouts of Harlem." I would like to invite you to a special screening coming up on October 8th. I understand that only a few of you are in the DC area--but please feel free to forward this message to anyone who you think might be interested. The event is free but you have to RSVP.

Thanks very much,

Justin Szlasa


Sponsored by Senators Jeff Sessions and Senator Ben Nelson

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

5:30 PM sharp

Capitol Hill Visitor’s Center

Congressional Auditorium - CVC 200

Enter on First Street & E. Capitol Street and allow time to clear security

You are invited to attend the Washington, DC premiere of the film 759:
Boy Scouts of Harlem to celebrate Scouting and its contribution to American values. The screening is sponsored by Senator Jeff Sessions and Senator Ben Nelson. Members of Troop 759 and local and national Scouting representatives will be present and a Q&A with the filmmakers will follow the screening.

Please come to this exciting DC premiere of the film. The event is free but you’ll have to RSVP at dcscreening@gmail.com or call Justin Szlasa at 917.355.9895.

This is an open invitation so please forward it to friends, colleagues or Scouters who you think might be interested to attend.


The film follows Boy Scout Troop 759, a Troop located in Harlem, NY, and eleven-year-old scout Keith Dozier who takes his first trip to a Scout summer camp. The film shows, in a fun way, how Scouting can transcend geography, age, race and economics to teach practical skills and build character among America’s youth. It is the first major documentary ever made about a Boy Scout Troop and celebrates Scouting’s contribution to America in one of America’s most iconic neighborhoods. The film is warm, tender, funny and upbeat. You can learn more about the film and watch the trailer at www.harlemscouts.com.


The Boy Scouts of America is the largest youth scouting organization in the United States and will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2010. Since 1910, more than 111,000,000 people have been members of the Boy Scouts of America, including over 215 currently serving Members of Congress and Senators. In 1916, Congress granted the Boy Scouts of America a Federal charter.

Justin Szlasa
759: Boy Scouts of Harlem

watch the trailer and join the emailing list at www.harlemscouts.com

Friday, September 4, 2009

Baloo's Bugle for October's Theme, Jungle Safari," is on-line an dready for Septemver RTs

Lots of hints for Jungle Safari - games, openings, closings, ceremonies, jokes, and more
Have everyone make rainsticks!!!
Plenty of material for this traditional theme
Make your October Pack Meeting really "SOCKO" or "BOFFO"

Bill Smith, the RT Guy, writes about Promises we make and must keep

Jim Jones talks about being safe in our modern "jungle" - the world

Have your Scouts earn the recruiter patch - see Special Opportunity
(Also, Boys' Life Reading Contest)

Activities for Webelos Showman & Citizen

Limk to National's website section on Cub Scouts 2010 -

Read it and have fun.

As Dave in California wrote me, "I was named Cubmaster of the year but I am just an ordinary guy with a copy of Baloo's Bugle under my arm."

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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