Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scout Museum to Celebrate 100th Anniversary of Scouting

The Ottawa Scouting Museum, in Ottawa, Illinois, the home of Founder W. D. Boyce is preparing for a huge celebration to take place in Ottawa June 10-13, 2010. For details visit or send an email to Mollie Perrot, the museum's Executive Director at Mollie writes:

"We will be doing a variety of activities suitable for everyone. This event is open to anyone who wants to attend, so scouters can bring their families. We will be having an old fashioned soap box derby (wood construction, etc.), a Kid Kars Derby (like a Pinewood Derby), climbing wall, rapeling tower, zip line, Merit Badge Midway, trading cards, crafts, games, etc. "

Lions Club Community Service Awards Knot

One of our readers, Marty Val Hill, shared the following with us:

I met a Scouter in San Antonio last week who told me the Lions Club and BSA finally established an Award for Lions Club members who wanted to earn the BSA Community Service Awards knot. I asked him to send me the link to their requirements and I have included it below.

This is a brand new award (only five awarded to date). Please forward this email as widely as you think would be beneficial.

The award requirements are online at:

Award Requirements
General Information Sheet
1. Must be a Lion in good standing with his/her local club, be a current registered Lion for five years and be nominated by the current president of a local Lions Club and/or District Governor.
2. Be registered in a Scouting position at a Unit, District or Council level for a combination of five years;
3. Be fully trained in his/her scouting positions and his/her Lions Club/district leadership positions;
4. Have strengthened the relationship between local Lions Clubs and Scouting;
5. Assisted Lions Clubs in forming new scouting units: and
6. Exemplifies the BSA/Girl Scout Laws and Lions Motto.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Spirit of Adventure by Alvin Townley

Alvin Townley's book Spirit of Adventure is a refreshing read that validates the values of Scouting and a book that ought to be in your Scouting library. Too often we hear about all the things gone wrong in the world around us. This book recounts many stories about what is right and good, sharing the lives and adventures of young men who share the distinction of being Eagle Scouts. The book is available from the author's website - and major booksellers.

Mike - The NetCommish

From the press release:

The book highlights a new generation of Americans: Eagle Scouts in their 20s and 30s who are shaping our future by leading lives marked by service, perseverance, adventure, and purpose. Olympic athletes, Iraq veterans, CBS “Survivor” contestants, refugees from Sudan, and inner-city teachers – Townley captured these and other diverse stories in a round-the-world journey that became an adventure in itself.

Spirit of Adventure shows the world how this rising generation is shaping the future in its own distinct way,” said author Alvin Townley, 33. “This book highlights young Americans who have chosen to live great adventures that have a noble purpose. In many cases, I found that Scouting has shaped their lives in dramatic ways. At home and abroad, this new generation is starting to inherit the reins of leadership and we’re being driven by a sense of purpose to make the world a better place. These stories point to a new hope and a bright future for America.”

Townley interviewed fellow Eagle Scouts who are now Navy SEALS, doctors in Afghanistan, Peace Corps volunteers in Africa, a coral reef biologist, and an NFL Super Bowl starter, among many others. To meet these young men, Townley traveled the globe, diving in Australia, surfing in Hawaii, rock climbing in Nevada, visiting students in America’s inner cities, venturing into Africa, and cruising home aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. He discovered an inspiring yet untold story of service, courage, and pure excitement that introduces America to its next generation of leaders.

NFL and Super Bowl MVP Peyton Manning commented, “Alvin Townley showcases the spirit of our young generation. Like so many of us, these Eagle Scouts are out there pushing limits, exploring new possibilities, and serving other people. Spirit of Adventure tells a compelling story about a new generation and America's future.”


1) Two cousins fled Sudan at age twelve and arrived in a violent Nebraska housing project. “Only three people were brave enough to come into our apartments,” one said. “The police, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and our Scoutmaster.” Scouting changed their lives forever, and now they are changing life for thousands in their native East Africa by drilling wells that provide villages with clean water.

2) Against all odds, twin brothers from a poor neighborhood became accomplished surgeons, and have since completed two dangerous and independent medical missions into Afghanistan to serve women and children. The pair was supported only by the local militiamen they hired; caves were common operating rooms. Now, local Afghans know them as doganagy, or “same face healers.” (Featured on/in: Oprah, CBS Evening News, Washington Post, Men’s Health, Ebony, and others)

3) An aspiring Scout undertook a service project to earn his Eagle Scout badge, and started the China Care Foundation, which provides medical care and adoption assistance for Chinese orphans. Now, nearly ten years later, this Harvard graduate oversees the foundation’s multi-million dollar budget and has changed the lives of thousands of children. (Featured on/in: Oprah, ABC WorldNews, The Early Show, People, Family Circle, and others)

About Scouting and Eagle Scouts

Scouting develops character and leadership in America’s youth through adventure-based programs. During 2009-2010, the Boy Scouts of America celebrates its Centennial Year. More than 112 million youth have been members since 1910, with 2 million earning the rank of Eagle Scout, including 52,000 in 2008. The 2 millionth Eagle Scout will be announced on May 22, 2009. Today, approximately 1.1 million adult volunteers help Scouting programs reach 3 million youth.

Only 4% of Scouts attain the high rank of Eagle. These young men must earn 21 challenging merit badges, advance through a series of ranks, complete a significant service project, and hold positions of leadership. Eagle Scouts comprise 12-15% of classes at our military academies, 9% of the U.S. Senate, and Townley’s research has found them in disproportionately high numbers in many positions of leadership and service.

About Alvin Townley

Alvin Townley is an Eagle Scout, graduate of Washington & Lee University, and author of the acclaimed Legacy of Honor. He has traveled thousands of miles across America and around the world to explore the legacy of Scouting and capture stories of character, purpose, and adventure. He is considered the nation’s independent expert on Scouting and Eagle Scouts.

In writing his nationally-acclaimed first book, Legacy of Honor (St. Martin’s Press, 2007), he met with such Eagle Scouts as Michael Bloomberg, Cabinet secretaries Robert Gates and Gary Locke, J.W. Marriott, Jr., Bill Gates, Sr., Tuskegee Airman Percy Sutton, and Jim Lovell of Apollo 13.

Alvin has worked on Capitol Hill, managed strategy at a global firm, lectured at universities, coached track, and worked with inner-city Scouts. He lives in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baloo's Bugle for September's Theme, "Cub Scout Pockets," is ready for August RT's

Lots of hints for Join Scouting Night this month
Bobcat Ceremony ideas

Bill Smith, the RT Guy, writes about Family Involvement
Jim Jones talks about No Empty Pockets

BSA Family Award is the Special Opportunity

Activities for Webelos Communicator & Citizen

Read it and have fun.

As Dave in California wrote me, "I was named Cubmaster of the year but I am just an ordinary guy with a copy of Baloo's Bugle under my arm."

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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