Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ask Andy

My last post was 6/20... Since then, 8 new columns! Check 'em all out at!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Venturing on Facebook - August 1

Deb Keyes sent a message to the members of Celebrate Venturing's 11th anniversary.


Subject: Venturing's 11th Anniversary event

There is some question to what this event is.

Aug 1 is one of the key dates in Venturing history - it is one of our anniversaries.

We want you to celebrate Venturing wherever you are - NOAC, a Super Activity, at home.

If you have access to facebook (on Aug 1 or before you leave)...

1. Post a Venturing picture or story on our Facebook group sharing with everybody how you are celebrating the anniversary (it seems a lot of people have done this on the event wall...not our wall).

2. Make your profile picture one in Venturing greens for Aug 1.

3. Invite your friends to the CR Venturing group, your Area Venturing group, and your council Venturing group.

If you are away from your PC on Aug 1 - you can do the above when you return. You can also verbally tell someone, everyone about Venturing & our group while you are away.

Does this make sense?


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