Saturday, November 29, 2008

Baloo's Bugle for December's RT and January's Theme, A-MAZE-ing GAMES, is on-line

The newest edition of Baloo's Bugle is now available in HTML, Word.doc and Adobe.pdf

Everyone loves to play games!! This month Cub Scouts and their families will have fun playing board games, and solving puzzles and mazes. This is a great opportunity for adults to teach boys the games they used to play as youths. How about making new games? Boys can share their games with others or challenge others with their word searches, jigsaw puzzles, or mazes. Have a family game night at your Pack Meeting or at a den meeting. This month would be a good time to work on the Chess Belt Loop and pin.

Lots of activities for your Cubs to do and have fun playing games. Learn more about DEN PROJECTS (NOT crafts) from Bill Smith, the Roundtable Guy. Be sure to read Scouter Jim's Thoughts about Games.There are articles and items for things for Boys and Leaders to do. And ceremonies for all occasions. Lots of pages and ideas for theme-related activities and the Fitness and Scientist Webelos Activity Awards.

Plenty to do to keep your Cubs busy and teach them to appreciate the games in all forms and playing them their families, friends and buddies!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Baloo's Bugle for November's RT and December's Theme - Holiday Lights is now on-line!

The newest edition of Baloo's Bugle is now available in Word.doc and Adobe.pdf

This month Cub Scouts will share their Holiday Traditions with others in the pack and in the community. Lights on a Christmas Tree, candles on a Menorah for Hannukah, candles on a Kinara for Kwanzaa - many of our holiday traditions involve lights. Boys can be stars this month by brightening someone's holiday season with a gift of compassion. A den can plan a visit to a nursing home or children's ward. They might also sing holiday favorites.

Lots of activities for your Cubs to do and have fun helping others. Learn more about TRAINING from Bill Smith, the Roundtable Guy. Be sure to read Scouter Jim's Thoughts about Holiday Lights.There are articles and items for things for Boys and Leaders to do. And ceremonies for all occasions. Lots of pages and ideas for theme-related activities and the Craftsman and Scientist Webelos Activity Awards.

Plenty to do to keep your Cubs busy and teach them to appreciate the wonderful time of year, and their friends and buddies!!!

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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