Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Baloo's Bugle -- June Issue, July's Theme

The June issue of Baloo's Bugle with material for July's theme -- Rockets Red Glare -- is now available, just in time for Roundtable. You will find the PDF and Microsoft Word documents posted now. The HTML web pages will be on line soon. Go to . Get some great resources for your Den meetings, and also for your Pack's summer events. Help get all the Cubs to camp and earning their Summertime Fun Award and Outdoor Award.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Scouting on the Web

While we usually focus this blog on what's new at the U.S. Scouting Service Project, we just can't resist passing on new Scouting related websites from time to time.

1. Philmont InstaCam - see Philmont via the web - The peak on the left is Black Mountain (Elev. 10,892 ft.). The peak on the right is Bear Mountain (Elev. 10,663 ft.).

2. Philmont Music

3. New Scouting Stamps - U.K. - First day cover for Royal Mail from the Bletchley Park Post Office

4. New Scouting Song - A Century of Scouting by Alan Harrison

Scroll down and tap your mouse at "Click here for the Newport Gangshow version." You can hear the song as played, sung, and arranged by Dean Applegate, music director of the Newport Gangshow on a Windows Media Player. You can also link to a .pdf file of the words and music.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Andy McCommish

More May! Yup, another May column. Be sure to check it out -- Lots of new stuff; a few old issues revisited. And if you're reading this in Montana, North Dakota, or Wyoming, shoot me an email with your name and council! Keep yer eyes peeled for June... Be on the lookout for a question about a Cubzilla!
Enjoy the read --

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Andy McCommish

Suffering from "Andy Withdrawal"? Suffer no more! A second (yes, SECOND) column for May just went up, and the month ain't over yet, so keep yer eyes peeled! Yup, more of "the usual suspects" with some new Q's thrown in for good measure. Read on, good readers... Especially if you live in Arkanasa, Montana, North Dakota, or Wyoming (to find out why, check the latest column).

Friday, May 18, 2007

KNOTS New Release Available

KNOTS or Not Scouting Cartoon Collection! With Cartoons from June 1999 to May 2008! (Volume I and supplements from 2004 through 2007)

FEATURES: KNOTS Cartoon Index - containing over 100 cartoons from 1999 - 2008; KNOTS Greeting Cards; KNOTS Cartoon Slide Shows; KNOTS Scoutmaster Minutes

BONUS' - Boy and Cub Scout Aids, Over 120 General Cartoons!

Publication Date: May, 2007 Available at: and

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Andy McCommish

OK, it's up -- My first May column. I'll be posting another late next week. Why the "delay" this month? Well, I actually had to apply triage protocols... Some folks were in pretty desperate need of right-away answers, so I gave these priority over the column itself -- I suspect that most readers may not know that, from "Day One," I've personally replied to every question, from every reader who's written to me. Then, for the columns, I try to choose the most interesting, or something with a slightly different twist than what may have been addressed before, and I try to keep as good a balance as possible between the various Scouting programs. So, go check out the May column, and keep your eyes peeled for a second one, shortly.
Happy Scouting--

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

KNOTS Cartoon for May - Coming Soon!

Ah summer camp is just around the corner. Cub Scout Day camp may really be more than just a little bit out of this world this summer!

The May KNOTS cartoon should be posted ASAP! Look for with the next few days!

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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